Arbeca oil, D.O.P Les Garrigues, made with 100% Arbequina olives.
The price does not include home delivery
Out of stock
Comment on the descriptiu profile of Pannell de Catalunya.
Oli sense defectes evidents (total agreement between appraisers). The positive profile corresponds to a good quality oli. Equivalent score (UE2568 / 91) = 7.2
Profile of fruitat verd mig, amb tocs madurs. On the palate it is spicy, dolç, both a bitterness evident and a clear astringency on the palate. Aromes secundà ries of vegetal type, with clear connotations of carved herba and plants d’horta (carxofa or tomà quet or tomaquera) or ametlló, aixà with tocs clars d’ametlla, which define the pain in the mouth, and tocs of poma characteristic of the olis d’Arbequina. The set is intense in the mouth and complex and rich in aromas.
Office hours:
monday-friday 8am – 2pm & 3pm – 5pm
*Summer 8am – 3pm
Store hours:
tuerday-sunday 10am – 2pm