Our environment



The village of Arbeca, situated in Garrigues region, was born at the foot of a 357-metre hill and it grows around it. Nowadays (2016), it has 2,240 inhabitants.

On the top of the hill there are the remains of the ancient and powerful Ducs de Cardona (Dukes) Castle. This castle has its origins in an Arabian fortress which was conquered towards the middle of the 12th century. The village was built around the castle in order to be sheltered by it.

Arbeca, Lleida

Les Garrigues

Les Garrigues, with 19.762 inhabitants ( 2020) and 799.71 km2, are bounded in the north by Segrià, Pla d’Urgell and Urgell, in the south by Priorat, in the east by Conca de Barberà, whereas the west is bounded by Tarragona’s region Ribera d’Ebre.

Besides the geographical limits, it is Garrigues’ own terrain features what establishes the limits.

The landscape is outlined by olive and almond trees all over the region, distinguished by dry and arid soil except for some specific parts. The olive tree is the most widespread crop in the region; the typical variety of olive tree is the Arbequina and its olive, small, round and with firm flesh, produces an olive oil with low acidity which is considered to be the best olive oil by the experts.

Arbeca, les Borges Blanques, Juneda, Puiggròs, and part of Castelldans make up an area in which, thanks to Urgell canal water, lucerne, corn and, above all, fruit trees are able to grow.

On the other hand, in Albi, Cervià, Espluga Calba, Fulleda, Pobla de Cérvoles, Tarrés, Vilosell and Vinaixa they also grow grapes for making cava.

The River Set, the most important river in the region, is born in the heart of Serra de Llena (mountain range), but most of the year it is dry due to the arid and continental climate and, when it does carry water, it flows through Vilosell, Pobla de Cérvoles, Albi, Cervià, Albagés and Cogul.